As a restoration company owner, what do you ideally want to see in any lead generation company that you decide to work with?
I’d say both experience and focus should be at the top of the list…
Real Time Lead Gen has been helping local business owner get more customers from the internet since 2010…well over a decade!
Sounds like plenty of experience to me…
Water Damage Pay Per Lead
And the focus part?
It’s multi-fold:
In the sense that we have been 100% focused on restoration marketing specifically since 2015.
We have not been working in any other industries since we made that dedicated shift, which was done on purpose, to serve you better with complete focus.
Aside from industry specific focus, we continue to evolve and update our SOP’s for a more streamlined way of doing things. Templates, processes, etc make for more efficient lead gen campaigns that get better with each one we launch…and we’ve launched a lot! So there’s marketing fulfillment related focus as well.
What about the 30 second attention span that most “young folks”, and even sadly many older adults, have these days?
Not here, I’m a Tim Ferriss 80/20 disciple. IE the phone is in airplane mode during most of my work day and I’m crushing my high value to do list using point #2 above.
It’s borderline psycho how tuned in I am with my work flow to get shit done! So that’s what I mean by experience and focus, and why my company Real Time Lead Gen has both in spades…
We’ve been living, breathing, eating, and sleeping restoration specific marketing for a literal decade now to the exclusion of all else.
Ask yourself if you want to work with someone that has that kind of focus, experience, and drive dedicated to serving your specific industry…
…or if you want to hire “some guy” or even some big agency that’s also serving every Tom, Dick, and Harry out there in any industry that throws a few bucks at them?
Dilution of focus = less experience that matters = less results for you as the client.
Restoration Lead Generation
Real talk here…I suck at A LOT OF THINGS, but generating high quality, real time, exclusive leads for water damage restoration clients ain’t one of ’em!
I’m not into false modesty…so I’ll toot my own horn all day every day when it comes to marketing for this specific vertical.
So if you’re sick of the usual nonsense of other so called “water damage lead generation companies” that are also doing generalized marketing to the point of having no worthwhile experience or focus…
Fill out our restoration specific Discovery Form here and let’s get this lead gen train rolling!