Google Adwords PPC Services – Facebook Retargeting Pay Per Click Marketing Agency

Pay-per-click (PPC) is a form of internet marketing that’s used to drive customers to your website.

It’s generally associated primarily with Google Adwords (now officially shortened to Google Ads), but Facebook ads have become increasingly popular as well.

Google Adwords

google pay per click ads

Business owners (or their Google ads specialist) can set a budget for a maximum Cost Per Click (CPC) to run their ads at the top of Google’s SERPS for their target keywords.

For example, when someone in your specific service radius has a flooded basement, they will go to Google and search for “Your City water removal service” or “Your City water damage restoration”, etc.

When setup and managed properly, the ad for your business will show up at the very top and you will hopefully get the click through to your website.

The potential benefits of this are obvious, but…

The downsides are that many people over the years have developed what’s been called “Banner Blindness”.

Basically tuning out any and all paid advertising.

In other words, PPC Ads generally get a very small percentage of the web traffic for a given search.

That’s why we focus on the organic and local maps search listings.

Even though they are technically below the paid ads section, they still get the lion’s share of the clicks.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

So running a PPC campaign can help get a few extra clicks, but can be quite expensive and much lower in volume compared to an organic SEO lead gen campaign.

Again, that’s why we focus on the latter.

But an added benefit from having both can help establish your brand as the dominant authority in your target market and crowd out your competition.

Another benefit from running a PPC marketing campaign is that you can be extremely hyper targeted based on:

A very tight service radius where your ad is shown


Specific demographics

This is true for Google, Youtube, and Facebook.

Facebook Retargeting Ads

facebook retargeting ads

And I’m sure you’ve noticed those ads that seem to “follow you around” on the internet.

This is from what’s called a retargeting pixel.

Setting this up properly helps keep your brand and service offers in front of potential customers so that you get the business vs your competitors.

And of course whether it’s a Google ads campaign, Facebook retargeting, or any other sort of paid media buys…

…a huge benefit is that it can be switched on and generating clicks, calls, and leads nearly instantaneously.

While your primary organic and local search campaigns will generate the vast majority of business overall, they can take a few weeks to a few months to really “kick in”.

So we leverage all of it as your restoration PPC agency to generate as many water damage restoration leads as possible for your business.

Give us a call or email today to get started.

(570) 634-5885

google adwords ppc

water damage leads google adwords ppc and facebook retargeting pay per click| real time lead gen



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