About Us

Mission statement

Real Time Lead Gen is dedicated to providing exclusive leads to restoration companies that are:

  1. Always, always, ALWAYS 100% Exclusive! We never share leads, period, FULL STOP!
  2. Live, real time phone calls direct from the local homeowner. Stop chasing stale voicemails and junk form subs.
  3. The absolute highest quality, filtered, and verified. Never, ever pay for an invalid lead again!
  4. Laser targeted on both local and service levels. Only receive calls from within your service radius and only for the specific restoration services that you offer.

real time lead gen core values about us

Core Values

Personal and professional ethics matter.

I (Justin Hess – Founder of Real Time Lead Gen) was strongly influenced by a number of different books growing up.

One of which was The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements

He put it so succinctly that I don’t see a reason to reinvent the wheel or rewrite it in any way…

The Four Agreements are:

  1. Be Impeccable With Your Word.
  2. Don’t Take Anything Personally.
  3. Don’t Make Assumptions.
  4. Always Do Your Best.

Those tenets, coupled with being a “Golden Rule” kind of guy, is how I conduct myself in both my personal life and in all of my business endeavors.

And on the flip side of that coin…it’s also the only type of client that I will take on…regardless of any sort of surface level, potential monetary benefit.

To borrow from another (truly next level) entrepreneur Alex Hormozi…

He states something similar on his site…

  1. Unimpeachable Character
  2. Sincere Candor
  3. Competitive Greatness

It’s beautifully put…and it should really speak volumes that I’m referencing it here on our official company bio page. (Seriously, listen to his podcast and sub to his Youtube channel if you’re serious about growing your business and creating real wealth)

Our Socials

Youtube channel for real time lead genfacebook page for real time lead gen marketing company

twitter account for real time lead gen owner justin hess

instagram account for real time lead gen seo consultants

our linkedin profile pageReal Time Lead Gen Google My Business Local Maps Listing

Real Time Lead Gen specializes in helping business owners with:

SEO (Focused on Google: national organic and local maps rankings)

Pay Per Lead (aka Pay Per Call)

Water Damage Leads

Restoration Marketing

Learning How To Start A Restoration Company

Monthly SEO Packages

Video Marketing (Focused on Youtube)

Pay Per Click (PPC) (Google Adwords and Facebook Retargeting)

To ensure the best results possible for clients, we work exclusively with only one restoration company per location.

We are creating the marketing environment which causes our clients phones to ring more and more frequently with laser targeted leads.

We are not selling old, stale, shared “leads”.

These are live, real time calls from customers that need to hire their services right then and there.

We are either promoting a client website (and supporting video/press release/social media/etc. campaign) directly so it shows up first in the search engines when people search for their related services.

Or we are creating our own branded assets…websites/videos/press releases/social media/etc. to generate calls via a trackable phone number that forwards to the clients in real time.

It’s usually a combo of both in order to grab as many online positions as possible, edging out competitors, and increasing brand awareness and authority all at the same time.

Our business model, nor our strategies, are about “cutthroat marketing” or what has become known as “predatory capitalism”.

But I’m obviously a huge fan of capitalism in it’s purest, ethical form…and making as much money as possible for clients…which is the only way I make money.

Performance based marketing with zero risk to clients.

Capitalism at its finest!

Here’s what to do next:

Give us a call or email today to start receiving more calls, customers, and leads for your business.

(570) 634-5885


Thanks for taking the time to read this page and I look forward to working with you!

Justin Hess

real time lead gen about us



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