Free Water Damage Leads (And 50% Lower Minimum)

Yeah you read that right…

For the next 3 days, or for the first 9 people that hop on this offer, whichever comes first…

I’m offering free water damage leads for action takers…


And to be very clear, when I say “lead”…

I mean a live phone call direct from the local homeowner that’s in immediate need of the specific restoration services that you offer…period, FULL STOP!

In fact, you can check out dozens of real world examples of actual call recordings of the laser targeted leads that I generate for clients here.


And to double down on clarity, when I say “action takers”…

I mean men and women that want to grow their restoration company and THINK BIG…

That have an abundance mindset and aren’t afraid of spending money to make it


***If you’re offended by that…good luck and God bless…but you’ve already filtered yourself out of being in my demographic so you should leave this page immediately***

And they, or someone dedicated in their office check and respond to emails at least once a day and…

Answer their phone when I or a homeowner calls them!

It’s currently Friday 3/14/25

Neither the timeframe nor the 9 person limit are your typical marketing “false scarcity” bullshit…

3 day limit – I’m only rewarding action takers. And for that matter, I only want to work with people who really get after it and can pull the trigger on high value opportunities.

9 person limit – That’s the current number of new projects I like to start at any one time. That’s the workload I like to take on that I know with my current SOP’s and staff that I can handle efficiently and effectively.

Capping it at 9, I know I can setup those new projects and start generating quality leads for them in the appropriate timeframe (typically within 7-30 days, but can take up to 90 for large metros with high competition).

I’ve been kicking ass in the restoration marketing industry for a literal decade now!

That’s a lot of hyper focused (it’s the only vertical I’m in), deep dive research, finely tuned templates and SOP’s, and high authority assets to rank new projects quickly and effectively.

Justin Hess Owner of Real Time Lead Gen

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, or have been on my email list, or a subscriber to my Youtube channel…you’ll see that pattern and know that I’m being genuine when I say that.

First come first serve…3 days and the free bonus leads offer expires…or once the first 9 new clients pull the trigger and sign up, I’m closing my doors again for a while (legitimately).

When I open them back up in 2-3 months, I have no plans of offering any sort of free leads until, maybe, my typical Black Friday and/or Christmas/New Years annual offers.

That’s a lot of lost time and lost revenue from the leads that could be generated between now and then!

Here’s the deal…

Club a Baby Seal Guarantee

If you wouldn’t club a baby seal to stay on as a client and keep receiving more of our kick ass, exclusive leads, you don’t have to pay a penny.

You’ll receive an unconditional, no questions asked, immediate, full refund of your purchase.

Purchase 5 restoration leads (Usual minimum starts at 10), get a bonus lead for free.

Purchase 7 and get 2 for free.

Purchase 10 leads and get 3 bonus water damage leads for free.

Prices per VALID lead:

$300 Primary Water Damage Leads (And Fire if you service them)

$150 Mold remediation

$200 Bio

Take action and…


P.S. If you come across this blog post after the offer has ended…I encourage you to still reach out so we can talk about setting up a customized restoration lead gen program for your local business.

Send us an email or give us a call or text to start enjoying exclusive, real time, high quality restoration leads for your business.



(570) 634-5885

Real Time Lead Gen Water Damage Leads


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